This is kiss kornucopia

Healthy Living
Starts Here...

Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) is Kiss Kornucopia’s way of ensuring local farmers and producers a better livelihood, while providing you the best seasonal products every week.

What is a CSA?

Community Shared Agriculture (CSA)

Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is when the community supports their local farmers by buying shares of their crops ahead of time. Members of the CSA pay before the season starts so the farmer has the funds needed to plant their crops and can focus on growing high quality food because they are guaranteed selling their harvest.  Members pick up their shares during the season, typically weekly. Other products supplied by local artisans and small businesses (eggs, dairy, bakery, etc.) may be added to a member share based on supply.

It is a relationship where a community of eaters commit to purchasing our farmers’ weekly harvest. And in return, our farmers are assured that there’s a market for their produce and can focus on growing biodiverse & nutritious food​.

With each CSA membership, our local economy is strengthened, growing the ability to feed ourselves and our loved ones safe and nutritious foods  right from our own community. Our member shares are picked at the perfect moment, full of dense nutrients and freshness. Not picked three weeks early to ship it across the country.

Our health is the farmer’s health, our community’s food security is the farmer’s economic security.

Our Produce

The food our farmers grow have beneficial nutrients and microorganisms that we taste as sweetness in carrots, earthiness in beets, floral sourness in lemons, vegetal bitterness in dark leafy greens, and peppery pungency in radishes.  Our produce isn’t shipped across country or from another country. Our produce is from local farmers,  picked at its peak of nutritional value and freshness.




Our Story

Why We Started This CSA

The Kiss Kornucopia CSA is a non-profit program started by a group of civically minded Kissimmee citizens who would like to provide our community with access to fair trade healthy foods in an educational, diverse, sustainable environment while enhancing the local economy, food security, and sense of place. Our long term goal is to bring a full-service community grocery to Downtown Kissimmee.

Honestly, it just seems crazy to us that our supermarkets have produce from all over the country but it’s hard to find good local, Florida fruits and vegetables. That’s horribly wasteful in so many ways and not sustainable. Buying direct from our local farmers is a better way. We believe eating locally is fiscally rewarding, environmentally responsible, and just plain yummy.-

Fresh & Healthy

Picking our produce at the peak of freshness adds beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. Our produce isn’t shortchanged by early harvesting to endure long-distance shipping.

100% Sustainable

The Community deals directly with the Farmers, the Farmers directly feed the Community. A proven Win-Win situation.


We’re always looking to expand and partner with the best small farms, producers, and artisans around Kissimmee.

Why Local Farms?

Local. Natural.

The Kiss Kornucopia CSA members provide small farmers and producers with cash up front to plant their crops, raise their cattle, buy additional hens, etc. They are able to focus on more environmentally friendly ways of production and are not as tied to shipping schedules.

The bottom line for CSA members is that they will be reconnected to their food production, from bountiful fresh abundant harvests to seasons challenged by weather that produce much less. 

Community Supported Agriculture

What People Say

Kiss Kornucopia is new to Kissimmee and maybe you haven’t heard of this kind of program. Here are a few testimonials from people around the country!

I loved knowing I would be getting a box of fresh organic vegetables weekly. I loved seeing where my food comes from and the care they are getting from wonderful foodie friends. I love the sharing of food knowledge and the excitement of others enjoying the food culture at Teter Farm. I loved the quality of all the vegetables we received.
Farm Fresh Food CSA
Noblesville, IN
Just a note of thanks.. This is our first year as shareholders. We look forward to Wednesday deliveries with joy and anticipation! We have been sharing our box with our back door neighbors and they too have enjoyed this experience! We have tried many new greens for the first time. And delightfully discovered that they not only do not taste bad....but are a delight! We would never know chard or beet greens or the interesting herbs or heirloom tomatoes (they are tasty!) that can be eaten in salads without your entry to our lives. Thanks for the enrichment. We are signing up for next year with anticipation.
Jan & Mike
Angelic Organics Farm
Caledonia, IL
I’m always so excited to get our weekly shares. It’s like Christmas in Summer!
Natural Earth CSA
Calverton, Long Island

Start Eating Healthy. Subscribe now!

Become a Kiss Kornucopia CSA member through a membership subscription and receive local, seasonal products weekly during the harvest season. This is a great investment to the health of yourself, your family, your community, and the next generation as you support local farms in the upcoming growing season!

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